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Evaluation interview management software

Say goodbye to overly formal evaluation campaigns and
move on to more engaging evaluations thanks to the Elevo tool.

Manage all types of maintenance on the Elevo software, from annual maintenance to professional maintenance, including performance reviews.

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Why do only 15% of employees think that the annual interview is useful?


Classic annual interviews

An evaluation considered as an administrative formality for many employees.
Today, employees are questioning the form, pace and purpose of this exercise.
Indeed, interview campaigns are still too often managed via software from another era such as an HRIS. In addition, employees are asking for more regular individual exchanges to develop skills and achieve their goals.


Elevo interviews

More regular professional interviews, centralized on an engaging tool that reinvents the employee experience and improves managerial practices in companies.
The data collected on the Elevo solution allows human resources departments to set up better monitoring and make good strategic decisions in terms of talent management.

Strengthen the performance of your employees through innovative annual interviews

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Easily assess the progress of goals directly from the interview

Evaluate your employees fairly by monitoring the progress of their goals since their professional interview.

Help your managers set up agile monitoring of objectives so that they can better assess the performance of their employees after the annual interview.

“We were looking to change the tool for annual interviews and to set up a monitoring of objectives for better performance. Managers and employees are very satisfied with Elevo's ergonomics, which allowed them to be effective and efficient in monitoring their goals and those of their teams.”
- Laurence De Saint Seine, HR Development Manager, MĂ©diametry

Evaluez équitablement vos collaborateurs en suivant l’avancement de leurs objectifs depuis leur entretien.

Models that adapt to your managerial practices

Thanks to the dynamic model on the Elevo solution, launch an annual, individual or even semi-annual maintenance campaign, which corresponds to your target (team, department, level, remote employees, etc.).

Evaluate the performance of your employees more accurately thanks to dynamic evaluation models.

Make your annual interview campaigns a real driver of performance and development for all of your employees, whether they are teleworking or on site.

“With Elevo, we have set up interviews throughout the employee journey, from integration to leaving the company. Elevo therefore comes to punctuate the daily life and the adventure of all those who form the Audika Team and, thus, improve the employee experience.”

Barbara Klein, Training and Careers Manager, Audika

Expert frameworks to make your interviews more engaging

Frames made available on the platform to help you develop effective annual interviews.

Customizable frames, which adapt to the culture of all companies as well as to your business and HR goals!

Frames in French and English to allow you to easily launch international campaigns.

“It is possible to manage questionnaires in several languages, which is a very relevant aspect for Artur'In, which is present in several countries.”
- Daphné Vauclin-de Calbiac, HR Director, Artur'In

Trames d'entretiens annuels
La data pour des Ă©valuations plus justes

Data for fairer evaluations and better HR decisions

Thanks to People Analytics, easily identify the performances and under-performances of your employees.

Develop a complete mapping of your employees based on the data collected on the solution and make better decisions in terms of human resources: training plan, internal recruitment, transition to remote working, skills assessment...

“Today, Elevo is our bible. Thanks to the Elevo solution, we make the best possible decisions regarding the development of our consultants.”
- Flora Herbet, HR and Recruitment Manager, Converteo


Plan your moments of exchange in one click

By easily planning your individual interviews on the Elevo tool, promote dialogue between your employees and thus boost performance.

Save time and focus on what really matters: the exchanges in your business. By increasing exchanges in your organization, you will give more meaning to the work of your employees.

“The employees played the game and this led to transparent exchanges between them and their manager. And that is the objective of an evaluation interview, it is a privileged moment between the two stakeholders. When it is well prepared, the exchange is effective!”
- Pierre-Jean Cariès, Ex-HR Development Manager, Picard Surgelés

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