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Elevo AI, votre allié pour vous concentrer sur votre stratégie RH
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Focus on the HR strategy Elevo AI takes care of the rest

The AI that reads thousands of interviews, that creates assessment summaries in seconds, that detects weak signals of disengagement... for you.
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Elevo AI, the technological ally of HR


HR tools without AI

AI has a positive impact on HR work. HR software without AI doesn't allow them to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data thoroughly, or predict trends accurately. This lack of innovation means a waste of time for HR, preventing them from acting proactively.


Elevo AI is not intended to replace HR professionals, but to assist them in carrying out time-consuming tasks. Discover the possibilities that Elevo AI offers to optimize your processes safely, improve the efficiency of your teams, and promote a healthier and more productive work environment.

Generative AI has the potential to automate tasks that consume 60 to 70% of employee time.

McKinsey study
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Get the summaries of all your interviews in a few seconds thanks to Elevo AI

Gone are the days when your managers and HR pulled their hair out trying to find information in interviews!

Elevo AI summarizes the key points of each interview: a significant gain of time, especially for your managers who take over teams. They will benefit from a concise overview of the career of their new collaborators.

Elevo AI summary screenshot
Screenshot risk

Detect psychosocial risks on time thanks to targeted interview analysis

Elevo AI analyzes employee interviews and Raise the risks of harassment, discrimination, discomfort or even burn-out.

Thanks to this innovation, you will quickly identify weak RPS signals. You will thus be able to identify employees requiring particular attention well in advance and intervene in a targeted manner to improve well-being in your company.

We conducted a “People Review” on a portion of our population. Regarding the employees for whom we needed to dig, we went to see the key points of their interview. In two minutes we had a good summary.

Valentin Povsic, Training Manager at Pimkie

Fight against disengagement thanks to the analysis of feelings

Elevo AI Also categorize the feelings of employees, by analyzing their feedback from surveys: a major technological advance for measure and monitor the level of engagement.

Thanks to Elevo AI, you identify which reviews to read first and take proactive steps to build loyalty your disengaged talents.

Trust us your data is protected

Data security is our priority. To guarantee you maximum protection, we called on Mistral AI, a French company, compliant with the GDPR and which uses servers only in the EU zone. Our customer data is not used to train AI. A guarantee of security and trust for all our users.

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IA et RH : quels usages et enjeux ?

What is behind the term “Artificial Intelligence”?

According to John McCarthy, one of the founding fathers of artificial intelligence, AI is “the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.”

Artificial intelligence is therefore a branch of computer science. It is dedicated to the creation of systems capable of carrying out tasks that normally require the intervention of a human being. These tasks include speech recognition, natural language understanding, visual perception, decision making, and much more.

AI is based on complex algorithms and machine learning models (Machine Learning). Thanks to these technologies, machines can improve their performance based on the data they process.

Artificial Intelligence can be divided into several categories. Here are the main ones.

1°) Weak (or narrow) AI : This AI is designed to perform a specific task. For example, a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa uses weak AI to understand and respond to voice commands.

2°) Strong (or general) AI : This technology has cognitive abilities comparable to those of humans. She is able to understand, learn and apply her knowledge in a flexible way to different missions. However, this form of AI is still theoretical.

3°) Machine learning : It is a sub-discipline of AI where systems use algorithms to analyze data. These systems learn patterns from data. They can then make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed for each task.

4°) Deep Learning : This technology is an advanced form of Machine Learning. It uses artificial neural networks. The aim is to analyze complex data and extract characteristics from it. Deep learning is particularly effective for image processing, speech recognition, and natural language processing.

5°) Generative AI : Generative AI is capable of creating new content based on existing data. The best known generative AI is ChatGPT, which can produce texts, images, or even write code.

What are the fields of application of AI in human resources?

More effective candidate selection

AI can significantly improve the recruitment process. Using natural language processing algorithms, AI systems can assess resumes and cover letters. AI is based on predefined criteria to select the most suitable candidates for job offers. This automation not only saves HR time but also reduces cognitive biases in recruitment.

Optimized talent management

AI also plays a key role in talent management. AI systems can analyze employee performance, identify missing skills, and suggest appropriate training to fill gaps. This allows businesses to:

- Develop the skills of their employees proactively,

- Plan adapted career paths.

Valentin Povsic, Training Manager at Pimkie: “The fact of having A summary on Elevo, it allowed us to see at a glance what perspective the collaborator was in and if it was open to changes in scope.”

Psychosocial risks detected more quickly

The detection of psychosocial risks (PSR) is crucial for the well-being of employees and the overall performance of companies. Demotivation, discomfort, low commitment, discrimination, burnout... These are all evils that an AI can detect by analyzing employee comments. Elevo AI's sentiment analysis precisely allows HR departments to react proactively to prevent PSR.

Cécile Camadro, Head of Talent at Elevo: “I used This Elevo AI feature several times and I was Bluffed : it allowed me to confirm that the collaborators I identified as being at risk, or with specific issues to be resolved, stood out well thanks to this feature.”

An innovative image of HR services

The use of AI in HR services is transforming their image by positioning them at the forefront of innovation. HR is showing that they are in sync with the latest technological advances. This reinforces their credibility and their role as a strategic partner within organizations. But to properly exploit the full potential of artificial intelligence tools, it is better to set up AI training internally, both for HR and for all employees.

If you want to know more about Elevo AI, contact one of our HR experts.

Why does AI save HR time?

Numerous studies show that AI has considerable potential to improve the productivity of HR departments. Let's take stock.

According to a study carried out by the IT consultancy group Emerton Data, AI could increase the productivity of the HR function by 30 to 40%. This increase is due to the automation of common HR tasks such as responding to administrative requests.

Another survey, conducted by Axys Consultants, points in this direction. This reveals that administrative management is the field where AI is considered the most useful by HR managers. In fact, 87% of HR managers believe that AI saves them time by automating administrative tasks.

A McKinsey study, entitled “The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier”, highlights that generative AI can automate activities that currently consume 60 to 70% of employee time!

Elevo AI precisely allows HR and managers to save time by carrying out time-consuming tasks for them. Elevo AI offers in particular: a feature that generates interview summaries (annual, professional, semi-annual...) in a few seconds.

Frédérique Alverola, Chief People & Impact Officer at Provepharm: “Before a People Review, I read all the interviews, that is to say more than a hundred, to get a complete vision of the employee journey. The summary of the interview on Elevo was very helpful because it brought out the key points. That represented a fairly significant time saver for me.”

To learn more about Elevo AI, contact one of our HR experts.

How to choose an HR tool equipped with Artificial Intelligence?

Choosing an HR tool equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) can have a positive impact on human resources management. Here are some criteria to consider in order to make the best choice.

Pay attention to data security

Data privacy and security are crucial aspects when selecting an HR tool and an AI. Make sure that the HR tool complies with current regulations, such as the GDPR in Europe.

Evaluate the cost

Cost is another determining factor. Compare the various offers and examine the value for money. It's important to consider not only the initial cost of buying or subscribing, but also the hidden costs such as implementation, training, and maintenance fees. Opt for a solution that fits your budget without compromising the quality of services.

Read what other HR professionals think about AI

An effective way to choose a good HR tool is to rely on the opinions of other HR professionals. A tool that has already proven itself and that is appreciated by other HR can offer a guarantee of reliability. Look for reviews and testimonials to understand how AI on this tool has benefited other businesses. A platform recommended by other HR is often synonymous with trust and user satisfaction. By taking these criteria into account, you will be better equipped to choose an HR tool with AI that will meet the specific needs of your business and contribute to more effective and strategic HR management.

Frédérique Alverola, Chief People & Impact Officer at Provepharm:”Elevo's AI will change the approach and the reading of reports : managers have the key points and they quickly identify the points of attention to take into consideration.”

If you want to know more about Elevo AI, feel free to contact one of our HR experts.